Monday, May 08, 2006

We are family!

I realised that there are not many pictures of Etienne, Laetitia and I together. In fact, there was not many pictures of me and my darling baby or Etienne and Laetitia. It was always photos after photos of my baby girl all by herself. Well, today we managed to take a few pictures of the three of us. I also took some photos of Etienne and his precious little girl.

Since these photos are so precious and limited, I have to share them! In the family picture, my little angel looks like she is ready to punch someone! Hahaha! Both the parents look so happy. The fact is, we are VERY happy. *grin*

And here are the very valuable moments captured of Etienne and his princess. This long weekend (Monday is a bank holiday in France), Etienne managed to spend some quality time alone with his daughter as I took advantage of him being home to catch up on some sleep. He took care of Laetitia for the couple of hours that I was resting and as far as I understand, he totally enjoyed those moments. He's a fabulous daddy.


Anonymous said...

Yo Lil' Laetitia...I see u have the 'Oh milordy' expression on your face....and I sure hope daddy didn't subject you to that funky-munky flick him and his buddies made in whatchammacallit place....pffft* I know it sucks and in fact I'd suggest you watch it backwards, cos it makes more sense that way. Otherwise as agreed, wake up early around 3am and then 5 am and again at 7 am and so well and stay happy and yes...don't forget to sleep lots...its good for your hectic hours..aiiite* Bye for now bambion and stay warm and smile lots.

Irene said...

Laetitia totally looks like Daddy. I love her eyes they're so big!


Cen2 said...

Hi, Sandra!

You probably heard this a lot of times already but I just have to say it again that I think Laetitia is so cute, so pretty and look so much like Etienne. :o)

S* said...

Awww... Lae looks so much like daddy! but I'm sure she'll have your sweet character as well. Good luck when your mum goes back to SG!