Thursday, December 14, 2006

A battle with bronchiolitis.

My poor baby has been sick so much since we came back from Singapore 6 weeks ago.

She had stomach flu (gastro as it is commonly known as in France) two weeks back and is now down with bronchiolitis (bronchiolite). We went to see the paediatrician today and aside from some medications, she has been prescribed some sessions for chest physiotherapy. We went for one immediately after seeing the PD as the physio is just downstairs from her office. I was so traumatised by the experience! It seems so violent for a small baby (Laetitia is 8 months old). Of course Lae was brawling her eyes out. Imagine someone pumping on your chest to forcefully push out your mucus and then choking you so that you would not swallow it back and finally clearing it from your mouth/nose! I keep holding her and saying, "mummy loves you", "you're a brave girl", "I'm sorry you have to go through this"....

Now I tried reading about chest physiotherapy and bronchiolitis and it seems that most materials I read does not recommend it and of course France seems like one of the very few countries practising this.

Now I'm of two minds..... should I just skip the sessions? God, why does parenting has to be so difficult?

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