Wednesday, September 06, 2006

First day in the Halte Garderie (Daycare/Nursery)

It all happened really fast! Last Friday I went to the private halte garderie that I registered Laetitia for in June to check on our waitlist status. I registered in the public garderies too but was told that it would be September 2007 before I could possibly get a spot!!! Anyways, when I was there, I was told that I have progressed from number 49 in the list to number 26 and that I would probably get a place around next January. I was a little disappointed but there was nothing much I could do. The waitlist for garderies and creche in Paris is ridiculously long and there are not many places that will accept babies less than a year old. Fast forward to Monday, I was at a park with three other English speaking mummies and their babies when I received a call from the Directrice of the garderie. She informed me that there is a place available for the 4pm to 7pm slot and asked if I was interested. OF COURSE! So, I made the appointment to do the registration on Tuesday morning and we started the first day of our "period l'adaptation" today.

It went well except for a slight moment when Laetitia was a little frightened by another baby girl who tried to touch her. She has been fine with other children or babies that she has come across so far (in church and when I meet up with other English speaking mummies and babies). It might be that this particular little girl was crying and upset and it scared her a little. She was alright with the caregivers though. It's a nice little place and the caregivers seems very patient and loving.

Friday we will continue with the "period l'adaptation" whereby I will remain with her for 30 minutes and then she will be alone there for another 30 minutes. This will progress to me being with her for 30 minutes and her alone for an hour and 30 minutes before being left there by herself for the first time for 3 hours next Wednesday. She will be going to the garderie three times a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays) 3 hours each time. I think it's probably scarier for me than for her! :p

Here's some new photos of my foot eating baby. (I think she is trying to tell me something about when she starts talking e.g. foot in mouth! hahaha)

Opps! Caught in the act (foot in mouth!)

Sheepish look of embarassment!
"I was just checking out my toe nails Mummy"

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