Thursday, September 14, 2006

Laetitia and her new toy.

After going through hoops to get Laetitia the Baby Einstein Discover & Play Activity Center, we finally have it. It started with me wanting to get an exersaucer type of toy (which is not sold in France) for Laetitia and when Jaimie asked what she could buy as a present for the little one, I told her this would be ideal except that it has to be ordered in the US and she would have to send it to a friend there and then reship it to Paris. Sounds easy but it soon got complicated as USPS (US postal service) refuses to take it as it was too big. Even though I had checked the website beforehand to verify the size, we were told that as each individual country has it's specific rule, the toy was too big to be sent to France. Actually I doubt it was because France would not accept parcel that size since we had sent HUGE boxes from Canada to Paris just last year when we made the move. Anyways, whatever. So we tried to send it to Canada since Etienne was going to be there but once again USPS said no. Finally, we had it sent through Fedex ground and it reach Toronto safely. It was sent to our friend Ash who kept it for us and Etienne brought it back on Tuesday. Phew.

I quickly set it up in the afternoon while Laetitia was sleeping. I was definitely more excited to have her in it then she was! The first time I put her in the seat, I think she was a little overwhelmed by the amount of toys (too much stimulation all at once) and she was a little tired so she did not enjoy it as much. The second time though, she really liked in and stayed in there for almost an hour playing by herself.

Here's my little one smiling away happily while playing in the activity centre.

Laetitia is saying "Thank you auntie Jaimie for the lovely present! Please help me thank uncle Boon for all the help with sending my toy."

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